As an alternate to Felix's proposal, you could write your own custom
provider that does the following:

*In the Property state query define*
- Collect all system resources of type Mount with type NFS into an instance

*In the Property insync? method*
- Prune the list of system resources of type Mount with the list of Mount
NFS resources that are actually in your catalog
- Return that the property is in sync if the resultant list is empty, and
not otherwise

*In the Property sync method*
- Send the collected resources that need to be unmounted a signal to do so

This is very clean since it doesn't rely on any sort of inheritance model.
All you need are the system statements and the in-memory compiled catalog.
However, it is quite complex to get right.

Good luck!


On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 8:57 AM, Andreas Zuber <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello
> I just came across an interesting problem with the mount provider. We
> try to manage NFS mounts on the servers and purge all instances which
> are not in the catalog.
> Since the mount type/provider collects all the mounts it would simply
> destroy the system if we activate purging. So I started to look into
> different ways how this could be done right.
> Unfortunately I did not find a solution which is very attractive.
> Currently I simply copied the puppet mount type and provider and created
> a modified version of it under a different name. This is very ugly as it
> basically c&p some hundred lines of code to add a few lines which reject
> all non NFS mounts in the instances method.
> Is there a better way to do this? Is there some way I can limit the
> purging to a set of parameters or a specific provider for the mount
> type? Or is there a way to inherit a type and to inherit providers from
> such inherited types?
> Greetings
> Andreas
> - --
> Andreas Zuber
> Linux System-Ingenieur
> Puzzle ITC GmbH
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> Direkt  +41 31 370 22 49
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> Fax     +41 31 370 22 01
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