On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 5:58:34 PM UTC+2, Ramin K wrote:
> On 8/12/2014 8:54 AM, Ramin K wrote: 
> [...]


> > You could try dropping the table and recreating it, but it might orphan 
> > all the resources. If you want the longer safer way, this is how I've 
> > done it in the past. Note that you'll need to dump and import the data 
> > for that table in order to reclaim the space from the table. 
> > 
> > 
> https://ask.puppetlabs.com/question/884/how-do-i-reduce-the-space-mysql-is-using-for-puppet-dashboard/?answer=885#post-id-885
> I made an error. Because you're already using file per table the 
> optimize step will reclaim the space as long as you've already purged 
> the data. 
> Ramin 

Thanks for the reply.  I have reduced the number of daily puppet runs on 
all nodes from 8 to 2 in also in order to reduce the load. It looks like 
is also affecting the locking error message that I got previously and
the reports:prune:orphaned job seems to execute as it should (but very 
As growth of the resource_statuses table also has slowed down I think I will
let the reports:prune:orphaned job just run and see If that solves the 
If not I may try to drop the table.


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