Hello Jose,

I have to correct myself: In 
it is not suggested to use "include" in init.pp, but for an example 
"include" is used in the same file as the class definition. 

However, your hint is correct: include should not be used in init.pp. 
Otherwise the "included" class may be used for nodes do not need it 
according to "hiera" oder "node"-statements. This looks a bit like a bug 
for me, but I do not have enough experience with puppet to judge this.

Thanks again!

Am Montag, 11. August 2014 08:53:42 UTC+2 schrieb Helmut Rickel:
> Hello Jose,
> thanks a lot for this hint. It solves my problem!
> I am highly astonished as I got the idea for placing the 
> include-statements in init.pp from 
> https://docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/modules1.html .
> Right now, I do not understand why the include-Statements are not 
> necessary here and why they even mess things up. I will add a comment here 
> as soon as I know the answers.
> Kind regards
> Helmut
> Am Freitag, 8. August 2014 22:08:16 UTC+2 schrieb Jose Luis Ledesma:
>> Hi,
>> If I understand correctly you have an include java|tomcat inside the 
>> init.pp of each class definition?
>> I don't really know what is happening but I bet that if you remove these 
>> lines it will start to work correctly.
>> Regards,
>> El 08/08/2014 15:12, "Helmut Rickel" <hrick...@gmail.com> escribió:
>>> Hello John,
>>> I made the situation as simple as possible and - unfortunatly - I still 
>>> can reproduce the problem.
>>> I have two nodes called BGHW-DS-T-AA1 and BGHW-DS-T-SA1 and two modules 
>>> called java and tomcat. The only task of the modules is to copy one file to 
>>> the node. The module java is used on both nodes while tomcat is needed on 
>>> BGHW-DS-T-SA1 only. This is defined via hiera. I append the files at the 
>>> end of this posting. 
>>> After restarting the puppet master I call "puppet agent -t" on 
>>> BGHW-DS-T-AA1 in a while-loop and the module "java" is applied. After some 
>>> time I call "puppet agent -t" on BGHW-DS-T-SA1 and afterwards the module 
>>> "tomcat" is applied on BGHW-DS-T-AA1 as well!
>>> This is the shell on BGHW-P-AA1 (the important line is the red one):
>>> BGHW-DS-T-AA1:/data/software # while true; do date ; puppet agent -t; 
>>> sleep 1; echo ; done
>>> Fr 8. Aug 14:22:11 CEST 2014
>>> Info: Retrieving plugin
>>> Info: Caching catalog for bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de
>>> Info: Applying configuration version '1407500588'
>>> Notice: My certificate identifies me as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de'; I 
>>> identify myself as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de', or alternatively as 
>>> 'BGHW-DS-T-AA1'
>>> Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[Node ID]/message: defined 'message' as 
>>> 'My certificate identifies me as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de'; I identify 
>>> myself as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de', or alternatively as 'BGHW-DS-T-AA1''
>>> Notice: Finished catalog run in 2.20 seconds
>>> Fr 8. Aug 14:22:17 CEST 2014
>>> Info: Retrieving plugin
>>> Info: Caching catalog for bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de
>>> Info: Applying configuration version '1407500588'
>>> Notice: My certificate identifies me as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de'; I 
>>> identify myself as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de', or alternatively as 
>>> 'BGHW-DS-T-AA1'
>>> Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[Node ID]/message: defined 'message' as 
>>> 'My certificate identifies me as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de'; I identify 
>>> myself as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de', or alternatively as 'BGHW-DS-T-AA1''
>>> Notice: Finished catalog run in 2.13 seconds
>>> Fr 8. Aug 14:22:25 CEST 2014
>>> Info: Retrieving plugin
>>> Info: Caching catalog for bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de
>>> Info: Applying configuration version '1407500588'
>>> Notice: My certificate identifies me as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de'; I 
>>> identify myself as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de', or alternatively as 
>>> 'BGHW-DS-T-AA1'
>>> Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[Node ID]/message: defined 'message' as 
>>> 'My certificate identifies me as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de'; I identify 
>>> myself as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de', or alternatively as 'BGHW-DS-T-AA1''
>>> Notice: Finished catalog run in 2.24 seconds
>>> Fr 8. Aug 14:22:32 CEST 2014
>>> Info: Retrieving plugin
>>> Info: Caching catalog for bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de
>>> Info: Applying configuration version '1407500588'
>>> Notice: My certificate identifies me as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de'; I 
>>> identify myself as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de', or alternatively as 
>>> 'BGHW-DS-T-AA1'
>>> Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[Node ID]/message: defined 'message' as 
>>> 'My certificate identifies me as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de'; I identify 
>>> myself as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de', or alternatively as 'BGHW-DS-T-AA1''
>>> Notice: 
>>> /Stage[main]/Tomcat/File[/data/software/apache-tomcat-7.0.37.tar.gz]/ensure:
>>> defined content as '{md5}a3cfe7ea8e8d2155cb2a0016e10b615f'
>>> Notice: Finished catalog run in 4.97 seconds
>>> Fr 8. Aug 14:22:43 CEST 2014
>>> Info: Retrieving plugin
>>> Info: Caching catalog for bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de
>>> Info: Applying configuration version '1407500588'
>>> Notice: My certificate identifies me as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de'; I 
>>> identify myself as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de', or alternatively as 
>>> 'BGHW-DS-T-AA1'
>>> Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[Node ID]/message: defined 'message' as 
>>> 'My certificate identifies me as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de'; I identify 
>>> myself as 'bghw-ds-t-aa1.bghw.de', or alternatively as 'BGHW-DS-T-AA1''
>>> Notice: Finished catalog run in 2.56 seconds
>>> On BGHW-DS-T-SA1 "puppet agent -t" was startet at 14:22:29
>>> BGHW-DS-T-SA1:/data/software # date ; puppet agent -t
>>> Fr 8. Aug 14:22:29 CEST 2014
>>> Info: Retrieving plugin
>>> Info: Caching catalog for bghw-ds-t-sa1.bghw.de
>>> Info: Applying configuration version '1407500588'
>>> Notice: My certificate identifies me as 'bghw-ds-t-sa1.bghw.de'; I 
>>> identify myself as 'bghw-ds-t-sa1.bghw.de', or alternatively as 
>>> 'BGHW-DS-T-SA1'
>>> Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Notify[Node ID]/message: defined 'message' as 
>>> 'My certificate identifies me as 'bghw-ds-t-sa1.bghw.de'; I identify 
>>> myself as 'bghw-ds-t-sa1.bghw.de', or alternatively as 'BGHW-DS-T-SA1''
>>> Notice: Finished catalog run in 2.86 seconds
>>> I reduced the number of files in /etc/puppet on the master as far as 
>>> possible:
>>> puppet@BGHW-P-SV1:/etc/puppet> find . -type f
>>> ./manifests/site.pp
>>> ./auth.conf
>>> ./hiera/node/BGHW-DS-T-SA1.bghw.de.yaml
>>> ./hiera/node/BGHW-DS-T-AA1.bghw.de.yaml
>>> ./modules/tomcat/manifests/init.pp
>>> ./modules/tomcat/files/apache-tomcat-7.0.37.tar.gz
>>> ./modules/java/manifests/init.pp
>>> ./modules/java/files/jdk-7u11-linux-x64.tar.gz
>>> ./puppet.conf
>>> ./hiera.yaml
>>> Here you find the important files:
>>> puppet@BGHW-P-SV1:/etc/puppet> *cat hiera.yaml*
>>> :backends:
>>>  - yaml
>>> :yaml:
>>>   :datadir: /etc/puppet/hiera
>>> :hierarchy:
>>>  - "node/%{::fqdn}"
>>> puppet@BGHW-P-SV1:/etc/puppet> *cat 
>>> hiera/node/BGHW-DS-T-AA1.bghw.de.yaml*
>>> ---
>>> classes:
>>>   - java
>>> puppet@BGHW-P-SV1:/etc/puppet> *cat 
>>> hiera/node/BGHW-DS-T-SA1.bghw.de.yaml*
>>> ---
>>> classes:
>>>   - java
>>>   - tomcat
>>> puppet@BGHW-P-SV1:/etc/puppet> *cat modules/java/manifests/init.pp*
>>> class java () {
>>>         file { "/data/software/jdk-7u11-linux-x64.tar.gz":
>>>                 ensure => present,
>>>                 owner  => uvdsadmin,
>>>                 group  => uvds-group,
>>>                 mode   => 644,
>>>                 source => 
>>> "puppet:///modules/java/jdk-7u11-linux-x64.tar.gz",
>>>         }
>>> }
>>> include java
>>> puppet@BGHW-P-SV1:/etc/puppet> *cat modules/tomcat/manifests/init.pp*
>>> class tomcat () {
>>>         file { "/data/software/apache-tomcat-7.0.37.tar.gz":
>>>                 ensure => present,
>>>                 owner  => uvdsadmin,
>>>                 group  => uvds-group,
>>>                 mode   => 644,
>>>                 source => 
>>> "puppet:///modules/tomcat/apache-tomcat-7.0.37.tar.gz",
>>>         }
>>> }
>>> include tomcat
>>> puppet@BGHW-P-SV1:/etc/puppet> *cat manifests/site.pp*
>>> # File site.pp
>>> notify { 'Node ID':
>>>   message => "My certificate identifies me as '${trusted['certname']}'; 
>>> I identify myself as '${::clientcert}', or alternatively as '${::hostname}'"
>>> }
>>> node default {
>>>         hiera_include('classes')
>>> }
>>> puppet@BGHW-P-SV1:/etc/puppet>
>>> As far as I can see, the identifications of my nodes are ok and the 
>>> manifests of the modules look fine, too. I can stop the master giving 
>>> "tomcat" to BGHW-DS-T-AA1 by restarting the puppet master service on the 
>>> puppet master. The behaviour somehow corresponds to your information as the 
>>> master has to read tomcat/manifests/init.pp when building the catalog for 
>>> BGHW-DS-T-SA1. But this should have no effect on BGHW-DS-T-AA1, should it?
>>> Thanks for any help on this!
>>> This problem is severe for us as we cannot use puppet before it is 
>>> solved.
>>> Am Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2014 20:28:39 UTC+2 schrieb jcbollinger:
>>>> On Wednesday, July 9, 2014 3:08:58 AM UTC-5, Helmut Rickel wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I installed puppet 2.6.17, 3.4.3 and finally 3.6.2 on SLES 11 SP1 or 
>>>>> SLES 11 SP3 and always ran in this problem: Puppet is using the wrong 
>>>>> catalog on some nodes.
>>>>> I can run „puppet agent –t“ many times on node A without problems. 
>>>>> When I run „puppet agent –t“ on node B and afterwards on node A, puppet 
>>>>> uses the catalog of node B for both, node B and node A!
>>>>> My final tests where done with these packages on the only master with 
>>>>> SLES 11 SP3: 
>>>>> facter-2.0.0-11.1.x86_64.rpm
>>>>> puppet-3.6.2-2.2.x86_64.rpm
>>>>> puppet-server-3.6.2-2.2.x86_64.rpm
>>>>> ruby-1.8.7.p357-3.7.x86_64.rpm
>>>>> ruby-devel-1.8.7.p357-4.1.x86_64.rpm
>>>>> rubygem-hiera-1.2.1-21.3.x86_64.rpm
>>>>> rubygem-json_pure-1_6-1.6.7-1.19.x86_64.rpm
>>>>> rubygem-ruby-shadow-2.2.0-11.4.x86_64.rpm
>>>>> rubygems-1.8.15-27.9.x86_64.rpm
>>>>> Actually, the first 10 characters of the fqdn's are identical. Can 
>>>>> this cause the problem?
>>>>> The clients (SLES 11 SP1) use the same packages. I used „node“ 
>>>>> definitions as well as hiera to assign my classes to the nodes. No 
>>>>> configurations concerning environments are done.
>>>>> Thanks in advance for any help on this!
>>>> How are you determining that node A is getting node B's catalog?  
>>>> There's a subtle but important difference between getting a complete 
>>>> catalog compiled for a different node and getting a catalog compiled for 
>>>> the requesting node, but unexpectedly influenced by prior compilation of a 
>>>> different node's catalog (e.g. including a resource intended only for a 
>>>> different node).  You can distinguish by making the agent report on the 
>>>> details presented to the master, for instance by putting this at top scope 
>>>> in your site.pp:
>>>> notify { 'Node ID':
>>>>   message => "My certificate identifies me as '${trusted['certname']}'; 
>>>> I identify myself as '${::clientcert}', or alternatively as 
>>>> '${::hostname}'"
>>>> }
>>>> Considering the range of Puppet versions affected, and the fact that 
>>>> this is not an issue I recognize, I am inclined to suspect a problem with 
>>>> your manifests.
>>>> In particular, I am inclined to guess that one or more of your 
>>>> manifests, other than site.pp or manifests 'imported' into it, has some 
>>>> top-scope declarations that are neither class nor type definitions.  Files 
>>>> do not serve as a scope boundary in Puppet, so such declarations apply in 
>>>> principle to all nodes.  They are only *seen* if the master has reason 
>>>> to parse the files containing them, however, which it may not have for 
>>>> some 
>>>> nodes.  Once such declarations *are* seen, however, the master may 
>>>> cache them, and apply them to other nodes (as is appropriate).
>>>> Example:
>>>> modules/site/manifests/alice.pp:
>>>> ----
>>>> class site::alice {
>>>>   @user { 'alice': ensure => 'present' }
>>>> }
>>>> include 'restaurant'
>>>> ----
>>>> The 'include' statement appearing at top scope there is a major 
>>>> problem.  It may be the author's intent that only nodes that have class 
>>>> 'site::alice' get class 'restaurant' as well, but the declaration is at 
>>>> top 
>>>> scope, so what it actually says that every node should get 'restaurant'.  
>>>> Those that declare 'site::alice' certainly will get it, but others may or 
>>>> may not get it, depending on timing details, cache settings, and the phase 
>>>> of the moon.
>>>> John
>>>>  -- 
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