I've been chasing this for a few hours.  I created my own user management 
module and Puppet can't find it.  I must be overlooking something obvious 
here.  Module path, ownership, permission, etc. have all been checked.  Any 

Info: Loading facts in /var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/lib/facter/hostint.rb
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: 
Could not find class sismon_account for dpupmstr4901.domain.com on node 
Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

# Init passes validation
[root@dpupmstr4901 manifest]# puppet parser validate init.pp
[root@dpupmstr4901 manifest]# 

# modulepath
[root@dpupmstr4901 manifest]# puppet config print modulepath

[root@dpupmstr4901 rc3.d]# cd -

[root@dpupmstr4901 manifest]# ls

[root@dpupmstr4901 manifest]# cat init.pp 
 class sismon_account {

 file { "/data/home":
    ensure => "directory",

 group {'sismon':
  ensure => present,
  gid => 3997,

  user { "sismon":
   ensure           => "present",
   comment          => "sismon@${hostname}",
   gid              =>  "3997",
   home             => "/data/home/sismon",
   password         => "*************",
   password_max_age => "99999",
   password_min_age => "0",
   shell            => "/bin/bash",
   uid              => "3997",
   managehome => true,

 file { "/data/home/sismon/.ssh":
    ensure => "directory",
    owner => "3997",
    group => "3997",
    mode  => "0775",

 file { "/data/home/sismon/.ssh/authorized_keys":
    owner   => "3997",
    group   => "3997",
    mode    => "0400",
    source  => 


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