On Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:31:38 AM UTC-5, Jason Antman wrote:
> I've seen those environments. I've worked in them. A few host types in my 
> current environment are like that. IT IS A BUG. The only valid reason for 
> this is either a bug in your manifests/modules, or that things aren't 
> ordered properly.

You misunderstand me.  I can readily believe that some environments *do* 
take multiple Puppet runs to converge.  I'm saying that there is nothing in 
those environments that inherently prevents Puppet from syncing the whole 
system in just one run.  So, agreed, if systems take multiple Puppet runs 
to converge to a stable configuration then there is a bug in the manifest 
set, data, and/or ENC.


> That being said... don't run via cron.

... if all you want it for is provisioning.  For Puppet's core use -- 
ongoing configuration management -- there are a lot of advantages to 
scheduling agent runs via cron instead of running the agent as a daemon.  
Also a couple of limitations.


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