Thanks Pete and John.

Now we've got a puppet module that use a unique file in hiera, inside this 
file (associative hash), we've all the customers and the specific data from 
each one. This allow us to create Vhosts in Apache, creates specific tomcat 
webapps, set quotas in distributed file systems...

All the Apaches nodes has all vhosts from the customers, and the same for 
the tomcat and distributed filesystems.

The idea is to split this file in a file per customer, manage and creates 
one file per customer is easier than one big file with all the customers. 
And merge this set of files in execution time with a hiera merge.


$ cat data/customers.yaml 
### customers 

    code: 'c1'
    name: 'client1'
    pre : 'yes'
    pro: 'yes'
    dom_pro: ''
    dom_pre: ''
    http_pro: 'no'
    https_pro: 'no'
    http_pre: 'no'
    https_pre: 'no'
    descripcion: 'Description Client 1'
    cuota: '2.0TB'

    code: 'c2'
    name: 'client2'
    pre : 'yes'
    pro: 'yes'
    dom_pro: ''
    dom_pre: ''
    http_pro: 'no'
    https_pro: 'no'
    http_pre: 'no'
    https_pre: 'no'
    descripcion: 'Description Client 2'
    cuota: '2.0TB'


$ cat data/client1.yaml 
### customers 

    code: 'c1'
    name: 'client1'
    pre : 'yes'
    pro: 'yes'
    dom_pro: ''
    dom_pre: ''
    http_pro: 'no'
    https_pro: 'no'
    http_pre: 'no'
    https_pre: 'no'
    descripcion: 'Description Clie 1'
    cuota: '2.0TB'

$ cat data/client2.yaml 
### customers 

    code: 'c2'
    name: 'client2'
    pre : 'yes'
    pro: 'yes'
    dom_pro: ''
    dom_pre: ''
    http_pro: 'no'
    https_pro: 'no'
    http_pre: 'no'
    https_pre: 'no'
    descripcion: 'Description Clie 1'
    cuota: '2.0TB'

Juan Moreno

El jueves, 24 de julio de 2014 14:27:58 UTC+2, Juan Moreno escribió:

> Hi,
> I would like to know if exists the possibility to include all the yaml 
> files of a directory in hiera.
> The hiera config looks like:
> :hierarchy:
>   - %{hostname}
>   - secrets
>   - customers/*
> :backends:
>   - yaml
> :yaml:
>   :datadir: '/etc/puppet/data'
> Cheers,
> Juan Moreno

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