On 24 Jul 2014 21:50, "Peiven Cheng" <peiven.ch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We use mcollective to trigger puppet sync in windows servers.
> While we send the 'mco puppet runonce' to trigger 8~10 servers doing puppet 
> agent apply,
> it occasionally happened the error of
> Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not 
> find class test_1_0_4
> for abc.tsmc at /userap/paas_ap/puppet/manifests/abc.pp:5 on node abc.tsmc
> or
> Could not evaluate: Error 403 on SERVER: Forbidden request: 
> cba.tsmc( access to /module/test_dxp_1_0_3/TEST.zip [search] 
> authenticated at
>  /etc/puppet/auth.conf:99 Could not retrieve file metadata for 
> puppet:///modules/test_dxp_1_0_3/TEST.zip: Error 403 on SERVER: Forbidden 
> request:
> cba.tsmc( access to /module/test_dxp_1_0_3/TEST.zip [search] 
> authenticated at /etc/puppet/auth.conf:99
> These two errors only occurred in some server and other servers can apply the 
> same class normally.
> (Therefore, we though that the error was nothing to do with what it shows of 
> configuration error since others can executed normally)
> In this case, we usually redo puppet sync without doing any change and the 
> error would gone.
> Does anyone know why this two error exception would be triggered?
> Any suggestions?
> The auth.conf file line 99 is
> # this one is not stricly necessary, but it has the merit
> # to show the default policy which is deny everything else
> path /
> auth any
> The version we used is
> Puppet master version: 2.7.23
> Puppet client version: 3.4.3
> mcollective version: 2.5.0

I am not sure about your error but I am sure your puppetmaster needs
to be at least the same version as your agents.
A 2.7 master will have definitely have issues talking to a 3.4 client.

I would suggest upgrading puppet on your puppet master to 3.4.3 and
seeing if that fixes your issue.

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