em...@benjaminmertens.de [24.07.2014 12:42]:
> # site.pp
> define iterateSystemRole {
>         case $name {
>                 'app1':   {
>                         include app1
>                         $defineVariable = 'content'
>                 }
>                 'app2':   {
>                         include app2                
>                 }
>                 default:  { }
>         }
> }
> But the variable $::iterateSystemRole::defineVariable is always undefined. 
> So i cant get the content from $defineVariable.
> How can i get this working?
> I googled a lot but did not find a way... I think its an issue with scoping 
> but i hope there is a way to get this working...

Did you try to swap the lines, so that they read

          $defineVariable = 'content'
          include app1

Does this help?


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