On 2014-07-16 17:03, Peter Van Biesen wrote:
I just ran into an issue with the future parser. I had following
statement in my manifests :
cron {'zorgregieRapportering':
command => "/usr/projects/admintools/cronWrap.bash -s
ensure => present,
user => weblogic,
minute => '00',
hour => 1,
weekday => [1-5],
This would work fine with the old parser but no longer works with the
future parser. It gives an error that "-4 is not a valid weekday" .
I was just wondering why it did work in the old parser. Did the old
parser expand this as a range or just assume this to be a string ?
Thanks in advance,
PS: I fixed it by putting weekday => '1-5'
The old parser most likely interpreted that as a string, while the new
one correctly recognized it as an arithmetic expression.
Henrik, you might want to look into that ;-)
Regards, David
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