On Thursday, June 19, 2014 7:12:24 AM UTC-5, Stefan Heijmans wrote:
> with Puppet module and resources in 1 file;
> - sysctl resources are not set

Your data indicate otherwise.


> - /etc/sysctl.conf updates from the rpm are there
> with Puppet module and resources in 2 files;
> - sysctl resources are set
> - /etc/sysctl.conf updates from rpm are somehow removed

Are you sure the RPM's updates were ever applied in the first place?  All 
you actually demonstrate is that they aren't there at the end.  One way you 
could test would be to add this resource to one of the relevant manifests:

exec { 'Preserve intermediate sysctl.conf':
  command => '/bin/cp /etc/sysctl.conf /tmp/sysctl.conf.intermediate',
  require => Package['oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall'],
} -> Sysctl<||>

There are as many reasons why the RPM might not apply the sysctl changes as 
there are ways to write a scriptlet to apply them.


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