You should not need to install modules on the agents. If they use plugins
you will want to have pluginsync enabled, see:

That may be what you ran into with the Augeas module. You shouldn't need to
install the module on the client though.

I'm not positive what your issue is but installing the modules on the agent
is not the solution. My best guess is that the module itself is not
actually still in your modulepath on the Puppet master.


On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 9:30 AM, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm getting confused about module paths...
> In a master - agent configuration, if the classes applied to the agent
> need some additional Forge modules to be installed, is it enough if I
> install them on the master, or do I need to install them on all clients too?
> I didn't need to install them on clients... until now, when I started
> using the domcleal-augeasproviders module which appeared to work
> differently.
> And then, trying to get around this and rearranging modules and
> environments, I started having problems with other modules I already used
> before.
> For example, on the master I have a custom class which contains a call to
> the class defined in spiette-selinux, like this:
> class mymodule::myclass {
>   class { 'selinux':
>     mode   => 'disabled',
>   }
> }
> If I run a puppet agent --test on a client where myclass is applied, I get
> a "Could not find declared class selinux" error.
> This also happens if I install the spiette-selinux module on the client
> itself.
> But if the spiette-selinux module is installed, then a simple "puppet
> apply manifest.pp" works fine (where manifest.pp only contains the "class {
> 'selinux': ...}" section as above).
> What am I missing?
> The spiette-selinux module is correctly installed on the master, it is
> listed in /etc/puppet/modules when I do a "puppet module list".
> The agent is in the "development" environment, and $confdir/modules is in
> the modulepath for the development environment on the master.
> Thank you very much.
> Marco
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