The 1st anniversary of the module team!

Hello from the module team here at Puppet Labs!  I’m starting this email
with a lie because I’m not sure exactly when our first anniversary really
is, but I started on the 1st of July and the team had only just gotten
started, so that’s as good a date as any.

For those readers who are unaware, the module team at Puppet Labs exists
primarily to implement the supported modules initiative.  For anyone that
missed the announcement last year, the goal of supported modules is to help
you more easily discover amazing modules and offer support for those
modules to Puppet Enterprise customers.  Over the last year we’ve been
laying the foundations to make this sustainable (and making it up as we go
along).  In order to support modules across the diverse set of platforms PE
runs on, we’ve had to experiment with and learn how to test modules in a
sustainable, scalable way, and over the last year we’ve been trying to
accomplish that.

Members of the team

Before we talk about what we’ve been doing over the last year, I thought it
would be nice to briefly talk about who is in the team, our backgrounds,
and where you can get hold of us.  I’ll list everyone in the order they
joined the team to make life easy for me.

Hunter Haugen

Hunter was the very first member of the team and many of you know him as
“hunner” on IRC.  Previously a member of the Professional Services team,
Hunter spent his time traveling and visiting customers all over the world.
 His background, like mine, is mostly UNIX systems administration.  He’s
responsible for the huge refactoring of the apache module a while back, and
is all over the popular puppetlabs modules we hope you’re all using.

Ashley Penney

This one is me.  I’m “ashp” on IRC and hopefully I know many of you.  I’ve
been a Puppet user since the start of 2008, when I spent most of my time
harassing Luke on IRC over “bugs” I found that turned out to be fundamental
design decisions.  I’ve been in operations for ~12 years, and this is the
only job I’ve ever had where nobody will wake me up at 0300 to let me know
everything has crashed and the world is on fire.  It’s pretty awesome.

Chris Hoge

Anyone here who has used the openstack modules can thank Chris for putting
in a ton of work to make them awesome.  Just before I took this job, I
tried to use the puppetlabs openstack modules and after a week I threw up
my hands and gave up as nothing worked.  Now they actually work and are
awesome. Progress!  Chris primarily focuses on openstack, but he sometimes
has to wrestle modules that are dependencies into shape (like mongodb!).
 You can find him as “hogepodge” on IRC.

Travis Fields

Travis joined to help the module team build out and build up awesome
modules specifically for Windows.  The rest of us are Linux users, so we
often just threw up our hands and said “I can’t fix that!” when modules had
issues on Windows.  Since joining the team, he’s taken over the reboot and
registry modules, fixed vcsrepo to work on windows, taken on the new acl
module, as well as fixed a number of issues throughout our tooling to make
sure Windows is a true first class platform for modules instead of
something we hide under the bed from.  Travis goes by “cyberious” on IRC.

Morgan Haskel

Morgan previously worked with Onyxpoint (a long time Puppet community
member!) on Puppet modules.  Battle-scarred from forcing complex modules
into behaving properly, she joined Puppet Labs to help us write amazing
supported modules.  She’s brought some adult supervision to the team and
ensures we’re on a regular cadence for module releases.  You can ask her
questions about Hadoop (she’ll love it, I promise) on IRC as “_morgan”.

AJ Johnson

The almost-newest member of the team is our boss; he's in charge of
ensuring we’re all pointing in the right direction and focused on actually
building things the community benefits from.  He escaped from IBM to come
wrangle the team into a semblance of order and make sure we’re on track to
deliver supported modules!

Colleen Murphy

The actual-newest member of the team comes to us for the summer as an
intern from PSU (that’s the portland one, not the Pennsylvania one).  She’s
a Linux sysadmin, Puppet user, and developer, and she is already helping us
tackle a project we’ve been putting off for months.  You can find her on
IRC as “crinkle”.  If you’re igalic or blkperl then I preemptively ban you
from asking her for PR merges! :)

Other People

This is already longer than an Oscar acceptance speech, so I want to wrap
up by just saying that we have a bunch of other fantastic people that help
us keep this show on the road.  Lauren Rother helps ensure modules have
documentation that makes sense, Heidi Pio shouts at us when we don’t close
JIRA tickets, Justin Stoller makes the CI environment work, John Duarte
shakes his head at our attempts at risk assessments and testing plans, Ryan
Coleman helps us figure out what we’re even meant to be building in the
first place, and I’m sure I’ve forgotten someone who is going to be so mad
at me.

What we’ve been doing

Onwards to something more of you might care about: what is it we DO around
here?  Over the last year we’ve been focused on two main things:
refactoring, rewriting, and testing existing modules, and helping shape the
tools, documentation, and environment to make testing hundreds of modules
feasible.  The time has flown by and I think the entire team would like to
have released more modules than we did, but we’ve managed to get a lot of
the groundwork done.

First four months

In the first four months Hunter and I ran rampant over the modules trying
to deal with some of the backlog of PRs, feature requests, and rewrites
that were needed.  We rewrote the mysql and rabbitmq modules, refactored a
bunch of smaller helper modules (passenger, etc), and merged or closed
hundreds (and hundreds) of PRs that had been outstanding (for years in some
cases). We tried to aggressively manage the backlog of bug reports and just
generally get the modules into some better shape.

Alongside this work, we started talking over standards and what constituted
a well-written module in our opinion. As Puppet users, obviously we all
disagreed, but over time we’ve managed to wrestle consensus down to what we
consider to be reasonably state of the art in modules.

Next four months

The story of the next four months was acceptance testing.  We started out
with a bunch of tests we had written in rspec-system during the initial
refactoring efforts of the first four months, but we switched to
beaker-rspec ( in order to
handle our acceptance tests.  This allows us to run `rspec spec/acceptance`
and get virtual machines automatically spun up, manifests applied, the
results checked through various shell commands, and then have the virtual
machines killed off.  This allowed us to test the true behaviors of modules
for the first time rather than testing the contents of the puppet catalog.

In these four months we added thousands of tests across the modules that
were to be supported.  These tests exposed issues on many platforms and
over the months we worked to try and deal with those issues.

Alongside this work, we continued trying to handle merging PRs in, as well
as the odd bit of refactoring to types and providers as we went.  We wrote
the “Beginners Guide to Modules
<>” as well as
continued to work on making sure Beaker works well for community members.
 We started rebuilding the vagrant boxes and uploading those so everyone
had recent operating systems to test against.  These eventually
transitioned off to

Last four months

Our most recent four months have also involved testing.  As the number of
acceptance tests grew and grew, it became harder and harder to get our full
set of tests to pass. We continued work on managing the modules in general,
including an almost full rewrite of the SOAP based f5 module.  We also
wrote the “Advanced Guide to Modules” which is still in the editing stage,
but attempts to walk you through building a module from the ground up (with
types and providers, facts, functions, unit tests, acceptance tests, all of

Faced with the increasing amount of time we’re spending focused on testing
we’ve put together a plan to fix things.  I won’t give you all the tedious
details but we’re going to change how we currently acceptance test, and
it’ll affect anyone who contributes to our modules.  Once we had our hammer
of beaker, everything looked like a nail and we started doing unit level
tests in the acceptance framework.  Things like “checking the rpm is really
installed” for postgres rather than just checking “postgres is running”.
 We’re going to rework these acceptance tests to have a much smaller number
of end to end tests.  We think this will snowball over the next four months
and really help us increase our speed when it comes to development work.

What we’re doing right now

The good news is we’re writing modules!  I’m writing a drastically improved
REST based f5 module that will replace the SOAP module in time.  Morgan has
written a tomcat module that handles multiple installs of tomcat on a
single server, compiled from source if needed, and we’re preparing to
release that next week.  Travis is working on a powershell module.  Hunter
is working on recovering from being sick, as well as improvements to the
haproxy module.

Alongside modules, we’re (I say 'we', I mean Colleen is) also working on a
project to allow us to centrally manage files that are common across
modules.  Things like the .travis.yml or Gemfile.  To do that we need to
account for local module differences, however, and Colleen has written us a
framework that allows us to manage these files properly.  It’ll mean we can
update .travis.yml in a single repository and then push it out
automatically to all our modules.  This has been something that’s made
certain mass changes needed for testing really difficult.

I’m also working on a fixtures module which is temporarily living at  This will eventually contain a
`facter -p` run for every single PE platform we have, and exists to be used
with rspec-puppet.  Right now, if you want to make sure your module fails
gracefully on unsupported platforms you have to go mock up the facts for
all those platforms by hand.  When we finish this work, you’ll be able to
easily iterate over all platforms and check how your module performs on
them with rspec-puppet.

Things we’d like to do

Sadly, I can’t give away all our secrets here!  We’re continuing to work on
making it easier for community members to author modules.  Our first year
was spent focused on figuring out the answers to questions we know many of
you have, and now we want to spend some time to make sure we fully document
and expose those answers so everyone can benefit.  We’ve got some other
stuff in the pipeline to make it easier to find high quality modules, as
well as to write high quality modules.  We hope you bear with us as we
continue to get all the pieces in place to allow us to scale to hundreds of
support modules, modules hopefully for everything you need to do under the
sun.  I spent from 2008-2013 writing private modules for a variety of
companies that I couldn’t release and every new job meant rewriting the
same things again.  I came to Puppet Labs (hell, I begged them over and
over to create this team) so that we can write these modules once and have
everyone contribute to making them amazing, so that you never have to write
the same module twice in your career.  We won’t stop until you’re never
faced with the horror of writing a module for some boring piece of open
source software, freeing you up to do things that you actually care about.

Ashley Penney
Module Engineer

*Join us at PuppetConf 2014**, September 23-24 in San Francisco
- <>*

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