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I just came across the same problem and did some reading of the code of
the http report plugin and the classes it uses to understand what the
problem is. It seams that (at least in the puppet version I use here) it
uses the same classes to get a HTTP connection puppet usually uses to
talk to the master, configured with puppets own cert store.

I am not sure if I interpreted everything correctly, but I don't think
that using the puppet cert store for validation is a good idea in this
case. The Dashboard most likely uses another CA which is also installed
on the browser and in the systems CA store.

I copied and renamed the http plugin (I renamed it to https and deliver
it with pluginsync) and simply use the default cert locations, which
lets puppet successfully report over HTTPS now:

|git remote add origin

I am not sure if there is an easier or cleaner way and I just did not
see it.


On 02/28/2014 06:05 PM, henriquerodrig...@notonthehighstreet.com wrote:
> Hi,
> Can Puppet Master send the reports to Puppet Dashboard via HTTPS?
> My Puppet Dashboard is protected with a certificate signed by another
CA and this seems to break the sending of reports because Puppet doesn't
have the necessary certificate to connect securely and I can't seem to
make it work.
> Thank you,
> Henrique Rodrigues
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Andreas Zuber
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