Is this still not natively available within Puppet?

On Wednesday, September 28, 2011 8:23:52 AM UTC-5, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Sep 27, 6:23 pm, Corey Osman <> wrote: 
> > How do I go about using puppet to set an ACL on a file.  I did not see 
> ACL support under the file type. 
> > 
> > Has anybody done this before without using exec? 
> > 
> > Example: 
> > 
> > # Set ACL on directory 
> > setfacl -R -d -m mask:007 /directory 
> The command you present as an example can have no Puppet equivalent 
> other than an Exec, because the state change it directs depends on the 
> current state of the resources it affects.  Or looking at it from the 
> opposite direction, Puppet has no way to determine whether the 
> affected resources are already in the target state.  That is not the 
> way Puppet works, except Exec. 
> If Puppet did support managing file ACLs then it would do so via the 
> File resource type.  If you check that type you will find 'owner', 
> 'group', and 'mode' properties, along with several pertinent to 
> SELinux; these are what you have to work with.  There is also the 
> 'recurse' property for extending the scope of a directory declaration 
> to all its contents, recursively, but it is likely to cause you 
> trouble if the files affected that way are many or collectively large. 
> It is conceivable that File could be extended to allow you to specify 
> an ACL, but manifests would need to specify the full ACL that was 
> desired, for application via 'setfacl --set' (NOT 'setfacl -- 
> modify' ).  It would be tricky to get this right because of the 
> overlap between such a property and File's other properties, but it in 
> principle it could be done. 
> John 

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