

I'm going to try and get the pull request rebased, but at best this will be in puppet4.


On 06/12/2014 02:44 PM, Joseph Swick wrote:
Hi list,
I'm working on a little addition to an internal module we use to ensure
our puppet clients have a consistent configuration to also ensure the
correct version of puppet is installed on the system and run into a bit
of semantics issue as I thought that "ensure => 'version.num'" was a
more correct way of specifying the version of a package, rather than
doing it in the name of the resource.

Here's a few snippets of code:

Common class opening:

class puppet_mw::client (
   $manage_versions  = true,
   $puppet_version   = '3.6.2',
   $facter_version   = '2.0.2',
   $hiera_version    = '1.3.4',
) {

This works:

   if $manage_versions {
     package { "puppet-${puppet_version}":
       ensure => present,
     package { "facter-${facter_version}":
       ensure => present,
     package { "hiera-${hiera_version}":
       ensure => present,

This however, does not:

   if $manage_versions {
     package { 'puppet':
       ensure => ${puppet_version},
     package { 'facter':
       ensure => ${facter_version},
     package { 'hiera':
       ensure => ${hiera_version},

As it generates this error:

Error: Could not update: Failed to update to version 3.6.2, got version
3.6.2-1.el6 instead
Wrapped exception:
Failed to update to version 3.6.2, got version 3.6.2-1.el6 instead
Error: /Stage[main]/Puppet_mw::Client/Package[puppet]/ensure: change
from 3.6.2-1.el6 to 3.6.2 failed: Could not update: Failed to update to
version 3.6.2, got version 3.6.2-1.el6 instead
Error: Could not update: Failed to update to version 2.0.2, got version
2.0.2-1.el6 instead
Wrapped exception:
Failed to update to version 2.0.2, got version 2.0.2-1.el6 instead
Error: /Stage[main]/Puppet_mw::Client/Package[facter]/ensure: change
from 1.7.5-1.el6 to 2.0.2 failed: Could not update: Failed to update to
version 2.0.2, got version 2.0.2-1.el6 instead
Error: Could not update: Failed to update to version 1.3.4, got version
1.3.4-1.el6 instead
Wrapped exception:
Failed to update to version 1.3.4, got version 1.3.4-1.el6 instead
Error: /Stage[main]/Puppet_mw::Client/Package[hiera]/ensure: change from
1.3.2-1.el6 to 1.3.4 failed: Could not update: Failed to update to
version 1.3.4, got version 1.3.4-1.el6 instead

Which lead me to this, but will get messy to ensure compatibility with
different Linux versions:

   if $manage_versions {
     case $::osfamily {
       'RedHat': { $os_string = "-1.el${::operatingsystemmajrelease}" }
       default : { $os_string = undef }

     package { 'puppet':
       ensure => "${puppet_version}${os_string}",
     package { 'facter':
       ensure => "${facter_version}${os_string}",
     package { 'hiera':
       ensure => "${hiera_version}${os_string}",

Running 'yum install puppet-3.6.2' works as desired, but adding
'allow_virutal => true,' to the package resource doesn't change the
previous error.

Is this working as designed for the Yum provider for the package
resource or is this a bug with the provider?  For some reason, I want to
think this has been discussed on the list before, but couldn't find the
relevant thread.

It appears I may be running up against this bug:


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