I have a class something like this, where I'm passing a [hiera] hash (
zpack_hash) to it:

class installer::zenpack($zpack_hash) {
>     define zpack_installer($sure='present', $inst='false') {
>         $z_pack  = $installer::zenpack::zpack_hash[$name]
>         $zp_ver  = inline_template("<%= @z_pack['ver'].to_s.chomp %>")
>         $zp_repo = inline_template("<%= @z_pack['rep'].to_s.chomp %>")
>         $zp_rqed = inline_template("<%= @z_pack['req'].to_s.chomp %>")
>         package { $name:
>             ensure     => $sure ? { present => $zp_ver, default => $sure },
>             notify     => Exec[ 'refresh_zenpack_daemons', 
> 'create_default_conf' ],
>             require    => [
>                             File[ '/opt/zenpack/etc/global.conf' ],
>                             Yumrepo[ $zp_repo ],
>                           ];
>         }
>     }
>     $my_zpack_list = keys($zpack_hash)
>     zpack_installer { $my_zpack_list: }
> }
Later in my module, how can I use any of the variables (e.g. $zp_repo) that 
are already defined in the zpack_installer? I tried something like this:

class zenoss_four::packages::zenpacks::core {
>         $hr_zenoss_zpack_core = hiera_hash('zenoss_four::zpack_core', 
> undef)
>     class { 'installer::zenpack':
>         zpack_hash => $hr_zenoss_zpack_core,
>         require    => [
>                         Yumrepo[ 
> $installer::zenpack::zpack_installer::zp_repo 
> ],
>                         File[ '/opt/zenoss/etc/global.conf' ],
>                         Zenoss_four::Installer::Zenpack::Zpack_installer[ 
> $installer::zenpack::zpack_installer::zp_rqed ],
>                       ];
>     }
> }

but that's not working; throwing in errors like:

err: Failed to apply catalog: Could not find dependency Yumrepo[undef] for 
> Class[Installer::Zenpack]

on the lines that marked in red. It works just fine if I comment out these 
two lines. any help/suggestion from any one?

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