I'm looking at this code:

define logstash::configfile(
  $content = undef,
  $source = undef,
  $order = 10
) {

  file_fragment { $name:
    tag     => "LS_CONFIG_${::fqdn}",
    content => $content,
    source  => $source,
    order   => $order,
    before  => [ File_concat['ls-config'] ]

Now, I'm doing a create_resource on that one:

  $logstash_configs = hiera_hash('logstash::configfiles', {})
  create_resources(::Logstash::Configfile, $logstash_configs)

Problem is I cannot force a content to be an erb template....

Whatever I write in hiera, it is interpreted as text, for example:

    content: "template('adriatic/logstash/input_apache.erb')"
    order:   '10'

Just writes text:

into logstash config file, while I expect it to parse a template.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to force Hiera to pass the value as a code and not as clear text?

Thank you

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