On 05/07/2014 12:52 AM, Ramin K wrote:
>     I find it best not to change my workflow or methodology until it
> makes sense on my system regardless of what the community or even Puppet
> Labs has said.

Ramin, I could hardly agree more. Even your ignored practices resemble
my own personal choices very closely (those perhaps come rather natural
to old schoolers).

If I understood Alex right though, he also feels that the apparent flux
might be hindering broader acceptance of Puppet. If that is indeed the
case, we have a problem that we should talk about. (Note that apparent
stability is more important than the technicalities.)

However, it has been my feeling that general adoption is not one of
Puppet's problems. On the contrary, Puppet users usually form the
largest crowd in any kind of forum concerned with the configuration
management problem. The user base keeps growing and the community is
literally buzzing with activity.

Alex, are there concrete issues that you have faced concerning the ease
of adoption?


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