I'm getting the below error, when using an answer file with the forge 
puppet dism module

Error: Execution of 'C:\Windows\sysnative\Dism.exe /online /Enable-Feature 
ureName:IIS-WebServerRole /Apply-Unattend:c:\answer\iis_net.xml /NoRestart' 
rned 87:
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Image Version: 6.1.7600.16385
Error: 87
The apply-unattend option is not recognized in this context.
For more information, refer to the help.

*This is my module*

*class win7roles {  require win7roles::params      file {  
$win7roles::params::answer:      ensure  => directory,      recurse => 
true,      source  => "puppet:///modules/win7roles/answer",      force   => 
true,      #copy files from puppet module to the local folder created 
above         }    dism { 'IIS-WebServerRole':  ensure => present,  answer 
=> "${win7roles::params::answer}\\iis_net.xml",  require => 
File["${win7roles::params::answer}"],   #answer file create with windows 
system image manager(windows AIK) & windows 7 iso}                     }  
  class win7roles::params {  $answer ="c:\\answer"}  *


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