
On 04/26/2014 07:41 PM, Schorschi Decker wrote:
> Actually looking at that page and other examples via Google is what
> suggested the 'test' directory should exist.  There seems to be a quite
> a few examples of how to install razor that all point to the same step,
> that does not appear to be correct.

I see. Those are likely outdated then.

> Since I am running Ubuntu 14.04? 
> Looks like the manifests class to validate Linux distrubution is not yet
> updated?  See the following...
> https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-razor/blob/master/manifests/libarchive.pp

Yes, absolutely (btw, easy syntax highlighting is available like this -

So you can either wait until upstream fixes their module (boring, may
also not happen ;-) or you try your hand at fixing it and open a Pull
Request. Those are most appreciated.


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