Having an odd issue with the facts inside an ERB template.  I'm using the 
facts to build a somewhat dynamic MOTD.  I made some changes to init.pp for 
the module and deployed to my Dev environment and it started breaking 
things.  It started off with not being able to find a value for 

Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Failed 
to parse template motd/motd.erb: Filepath: 
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/templatewrapper.rb Line: 81 
Detail: Could not find value for 'lsbdistdescription' at 
/etc/puppet/environments/development/modules/motd/templates/motd.erb:10 at 
/etc/puppet/environments/development/modules/motd/manifests/init.pp:44 on 
node cbe01d.example.com

Looking into the issue the only thing I found was that facts should now 
have an @ sign in front of them. Changing that didn't help.  I have 
reverted back to the old code and its still broken.  Oddly enough, it works 
as expected when I go to the server and run $ sudo puppet agent -t.  It 
applies the lsbdistdescription to MOTD, then the puppet daemon fires off 
after 30minutes and does not acknowledge lsbdistdescription.

Here is the current template:
+++++++++++++++++: System Data :+++++++++++++++++++
+ Hostname = <%= hostname %>
+ Domain = <%= domain %>
+ Address = <%= ipaddress_eth0 %>
+ OS: <%= @lsbdistdescription %> <%= architecture %> 
+ Kernel = <%= kernelrelease %>
+ Uptime = <%= uptime %>
+ CPU = <%= processorcount %>x  <%= processor0 %>
+ Total Memory = <%= memorysize %>
+ Managed by Puppet version <%= puppetversion %>
<% if @extra -%>
+ Extra Info = <%= @extra %>
<% end -%>

Any ideas why only manual runs work as expected?

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