On Thursday, April 17, 2014 6:32:41 PM UTC-5, Ron Bentley wrote:
> After right at a hundred successful agent installs on a very heterogeneous 
> mix of Server 2003 and Server 2008, I've encountered one machine that 
> doesn't want to cooperate.  The problem agent is the open source Puppet 
> 3.4.3 MSI running on Server 2003.
> I run "puppet resource package" and I get "Error: Could not run: Type 0 is 
> not supported."  I add "--debug --trace --verbose" and the first entry 
> after the error is "C:/Program Files/Puppet 
> Labs/Puppet/sys/ruby/lib/ruby/1.9.1/win32/registry.rb:605:in 'read'".  
> Invoking "puppet resource service" works just fine.
> This is the same MSI I've used on the hundred other machines.  I ran the 
> md5 sum just to make sure it wasn't corrupted in transfer.  I uninstalled 
> and reinstalled.  Same behavior.  (The agent is configured to communicate 
> with a master, and that's where I first encountered the problem.  I thought 
> maybe reproducing the problem this way would take master interactions and 
> catalog issues out of the equation.)
> The machine itself is remote and I'm limited on what I can do to it.  
> Anything else I ought to try?

As a wild guess, perhaps you have a bit of registry corruption, such as 
maybe an invalid value type for some key.  If you have a registry cleaner 
or tester that you like and trust, then perhaps it would be worthwhile to 
run that against the problem machine.


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