
Then I'm afraid you're on your own. The instrumentation framework got added 
and expanded upon somewhere in the 3.x series, I believe 3.2 was the first 
to be able to give some useful information and as of 3.5 the API is 
actually public so that others can build on it.

As far as Hiera goes, lookup times depend on a bunch of things. Part of it 
is the complexity of the hierarchy, the more places it might need to look 
the longer it will take. If you do a 'normal' hiera call it'll exit on the 
first match so depending on how quickly it can find a match it'll take a 
bit longer or not. Then there's the hiera_array and hiera_hash calls which 
search the whole hierarchy and build up an array or hash of all the 
returned values which will take longer than a hiera call.

If you really want to get an indication I'd say just switch a few modules 
to hiera and compare compile times. You could also start adding 
Hiera.debug() calls with time information in Hiera's backend.rb.

In all honesty though, I'd suggest you get to upgrading to 3.4+ first. 
That'll give you a bit of a performance boost and 3.4+ doesn't require 
Hiera, it just ships with it. It'll also enable a bunch of things that will 
make your life more pleasant as a module author or maintainer. If you're 
using opensource modules it's likely they'll shortly start dropping 2.7 
support if they haven't already with the coming of Puppet 3.6 and 4.x.

Daniele Sluijters

On Monday, 14 April 2014 19:35:37 UTC+2, David Danzilio wrote:
> Unfortunately, and I probably should've mentioned this in the OP, we're 
> currently stuck on the 2.7 series.
> On Monday, April 14, 2014 1:11:36 PM UTC-4, Daniele Sluijters wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think a good start would be to turn on profiling, aka profiling=true in 
>> puppet.conf or puppet agent --profile. The output will show up in the 
>> master's logs.
>> -- 
>> Daniele Sluijters
>> On Friday, 11 April 2014 22:55:45 UTC+2, David Danzilio wrote:
>>> Hi Everybody.
>>> I'm trying to come up with a way to understand how Hiera is going to 
>>> affect compile times on our Puppet masters. We've got just over 100K lines 
>>> of Puppet code, and thousands of hosts across a few environments. I know 
>>> there are a lot of variables to this problem, but I'm drawing a blank on a 
>>> good way to test this. Has anybody run into this? Is there a simple way to 
>>> do this that I'm just not seeing?
>>> Thanks!
>>> David

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