Ok, I see.

Thanks for all this discussion!

> No, you *never* need to use parameterized classes.  
> If you are determined to avoid resource-like class declarations, 
> then you can replace each parameterized class in your manifest set with a 
non-parameterized version that obtains its data via direct hiera() calls.

you mean replacing: 
class tomcat (
  port = hiera('tomcat_port', 7070)
  ssl_port = hiera('tomcat_port', 7071)
) {
  notice $port
  notice $ssl_port
class tomcat {
  $port = hiera('tomcat_port', 7070)
  $ssl_port = hiera('tomcat_port', 7071)
  notice $port
  notice $ssl_port
for a java/scala software developer like me, this does not look a good,
because it makes it more difficult to unit test.
maybe with puppet it is easy to build and pass different hiera data for 
unit testing?

> Hiera's YAML back end is not the ultimate solution, but the Hiera 
*framework* can be.  
> You can plug in pretty much any kind of data lookup or computation.

Ok. I didn't know about this neither. I'll take a look.

so, one specific example,
someone (not me) implemented a class tomcat with parameters port and 
I want to use that class, 
and I want that the ssl_port is always port + 1 (I don't want this to be 
configurable in hiera)
so, in my hiera data, I will specify port, and then I have my class:
class application ($port) {
  class {tomcat:
    port     => $port
    ssl_port => $port+1
  class {nginx:
  # configuration files...

how would you do this without using resource-like class declaration?

> Or you can make exactly one class responsible for performing any needed 
computations and declaring the 
> class for which you want to use a resource-like declaration, and any node 
or other class must declare the 
> wrapper class instead (using 'include' or one of its brethren).

I see. similar to the example42 params pattern. you mean something like:
class parameters {
  $port = hiera("port")
  $ssl_port = $port + 1

class tomcat {
  include parameters
  notice $parameters::port
  notice $parameters::ssl_port

> I'm sorry that that is such a consternation for you.

haha, it's not that I am not consternated, but you know,
I come from an object-oriented and function programming paradigm,
and unlearning is twice as hard as learning. ;)


On Monday, April 14, 2014 4:43:19 PM UTC+2, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Friday, April 11, 2014 10:10:37 PM UTC-5, David Portabella wrote:
>> I didn't know about this *evaluation-order dependency.*
>> Why does this "evaluation-order dependency" exists in puppet?
> Do you mean this particular one, or evaluation-order dependencies in 
> general?
> Anyway, I started to write a detailed response to this, but it was turning 
> into a novel.  The bottom line is this: it would have been extremely 
> difficult to design or implement Puppet in a way that foreclosed the 
> possibility of users writing evaluation-order dependent manifest sets.  PL 
> could have come closer than they did do, but that's water under the bridge.
>> Is it done in purpose, or it is a technical problem of the puppet 
>> implementation?
> Evaluation-order dependency is not a design feature, but neither is it 
> really a bug as such.  I would describe it as a characteristic of the 
> problem space.
> I don't think PL understood the magnitude of the specific associated 
> evaluation-order dependency problem when they first rolled out 
> parameterized classes in v2.6.0, but they certainly knew that there was 
> one.  On the other hand, earlier versions of Puppet had different 
> evaluation-order dependency issues surrounding classes.  It is a very 
> difficult challenge for Puppet to protect users from all possible unwanted 
> results of manifest evaluation order, while still providing all the desired 
> results of manifest evaluation.
>> Do you have an example where we would want to use this evaluation-order 
>> dependency?
> No.  It is always best to avoid evaluation-order dependencies in your 
> manifests.
>> Or could puppet completely remove this concept?
> PL could remove the language features and built-ins that yield the 
> greatest exposure to evaluation-order problems (e.g. resource-like class 
> declarations and the defined() function), but I don't think they can remove 
> all possibility that the result of compiling a manifest set depends on the 
> order in which classes or the declarations within are evaluated.  They 
> cannot fix the problematic features to be non-problematic, however, as 
> evaluation-order dependency is an inherent consequence of their nature.
> As a practical matter, PL is unlikely to remove the problematic features 
> any time in the foreseeable future because the disruption to its user base 
> would be prohibitive.  That is, despite their problems, many people do use 
> and rely on features encumbered with evaluation-order dependency issues.
>> about the other part of your post, if I understand your post correctly, 
>> you are saying:
>> 1- avoid using parameterized classes 
> No.  I once did say that, but the actual problem is with the resource-like 
> class declaration syntax.  Since Puppet 3.0, parameterized classes can be 
> used without the resource-like syntax, and that's just fine.
>> 2- but yes, sometimes you need parameterized classes 
> No, you *never* need to use parameterized classes.  If you are determined 
> to avoid resource-like class declarations, then you can replace each 
> parameterized class in your manifest set with a non-parameterized version 
> that obtains its data via direct hiera() calls.  But that's beside the 
> point, because parameterized classes are not themselves the problem, and 
> not what I was talking about.
> My comments were about the resource-like class declaration syntax.  You 
> don't ever *need* that, either, but under some circumstances it is both 
> convenient and relatively safe.  Specifically, within a module, you can use 
> it -- if you're careful -- to declare internal classes of the module.  Note 
> well: those conditions do not protect you from evaluation-order dependency; 
> they merely allow you to manage it, because you can know and control all 
> the places where internal classes are (supposed to be) used.  And that's 
> why I say only "relatively" safe.
>> 3- but that's not a problem, because the class can take the parameter 
>> values from hiera
>> well, 1 and 2 are in contradiction, isn't it?
> Your interpretation presents a contradiction, but what I am trying to 
> communicate to you does not contain one.
> But yes, PL and I both say that your classes should generally obtain 
> non-default class parameter values via hiera, rather than via resource-like 
> declarations.
>> and about 3, hiera is not the ultimate solution for data store.
>> what if you need to compute the parameter values programmatically?
> Hiera's YAML back end is not the ultimate solution, but the Hiera 
> *framework* can be.  You can plug in pretty much any kind of data lookup 
> or computation.
> Alternatively, you can put your computation inside the class, and feed it 
> the input values as parameters.  Or you can make exactly one class 
> responsible for performing any needed computations and declaring the class 
> for which you want to use a resource-like declaration, and any node or 
> other class must declare the wrapper class instead (using 'include' or one 
> of its brethren).
> What neither you nor PL can do is render resource-like class declaration 
> syntax devoid of evaluation-order implications.  I'm sorry that that is 
> such a consternation for you.
> John

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