On Monday, April 14, 2014 6:41:34 AM UTC-5, Alex Harvey wrote:
> I was thinking about a situation like this -
> *) Puppet designer decides to place all credentials in a single database 
> (encrypted Hiera).
> *) developers clone the version controlled copy of it all over the place, 
> e.g. to their laptops, that random box that everyone logs into.
> *) version controlled copy then potentially sits next to copies of the 
> keys used to decipher it.
> *) some lazy developer decides not to use a passphrase in his key.
> *) laptop then gets hacked, lost or stolen, etc.
> Perhaps I'm being paranoid?

Whether you are being paranoid depends on the nature of your security 
requirements.  Anyway, the particular scenario you raise does not present 
an issue localized in hiera or git, but rather an issue involving several 
pieces of your technology stack plus aspects of institutional and 
individual behavior.

The ultimate questions in security all revolve around trust: whom do you 
trust, about what, to what extent, and under what circumstances?  If you 
cannot trust developers to practice appropriate security measures -- as 
defined by you -- then you should not entrust them with data that need to 
be secured.  If your trust is limited to specific data access mechanisms or 
locations then those are the limits you should enforce.

Therefore, I think perhaps you are approaching the problem backward.  
Instead of approaching the problem from the perspective of what might 
happen under various choices of infrastructure and policy, I think you 
should start with the security environment and policy you want, and then 
ask how best to get there.


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