On Thursday, April 10, 2014 6:50:55 PM UTC-5, aspo73 wrote:
> Hi John.
> It does look as though I've set up the master to manage itself OK, as I'm 
> seeing my host listed here:
> http://snag.gy/sWpfy.jpg
> Is this what I should expect?
> I also include the class showing as added here:
> http://snag.gy/E94QL.jpg
> I can't see any way within the Class menu to force assignment of that 
> pe_repo::platform::el_5_x86_64 class either to the master node, or to 
> another node, other than the way I've already use to simply add it.
> Thanks very much for your help so far.  

I think what you have done is add the class 'pe_repo::platform::el_5_x86_64' 
to the list of those *available* for assignment to nodes.  The number 0 to 
the right of it is the number of nodes to which this class has been 
assigned, I believe.  You should be able to verify that by clicking on the 
class name in that "Classes" panel to bring up its detail page -- one of 
the details reported is to which nodes the class has been assigned.

Your computers don't all have the same configuration requirements, and 
probably some have conflicting requirements.  Puppet allows you to model 
all those possibly-conflicting configurations via modules, classes, and 
data, but just because Puppet *knows how* to configure nodes in a 
particular way doesn't mean it *should* configure them that way.  You need 
to fill in the blanks by telling it what configuration to apply to each 
node (or group of similar nodes): 
In particular, you may want to look at 

tl;dr: go to the Nodes section of the console, select the master node 
(should be the only one at this point), and edit it to add the desired 
class to its class list.


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