Hey there,

Thanks for taking the time to read this.  My end objective is to utilize a 
yaml boolean, in this case couchDbServer, as an entry for a case that 
dictates whether a file is present or not.  I do not want to use stdlib to 
achieve this.

Following is the code:

class datadog {

    $datadogApiKey = hiera('datadogApiKey', nil)
    $couchDbServer = hiera('couchDbServer', nil)

    yumrepo { 'datadog':
        baseurl     => 'http://yum.datadoghq.com/rpm/',
        descr       => 'Datadog, Inc.',
        enabled     => 1,
        gpgcheck    => 0,
    } ->
    package { 'datadog-agent':
        ensure      => 'installed',
    } ->
    file { 'datadog.conf':
        path        => '/etc/dd-agent/datadog.conf',
        ensure      => 'present',
        content     => template('datadog/datadog.conf.erb'),
    } ->
    file { 'couchdb.yaml':
        path        => '/etc/dd-agent/conf.d/couchdb.yaml',
        ensure      => 'present',
        content     => template('datadog/couchdb.yaml.erb'),
    } ->
    service { 'datadog-agent':
        ensure      => 'running',
        enable      => 'true',
        subscribe   => File[

I've tried a ton of things, but none of it works.  Can someone please 
advise the proper solution?

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