On Monday, April 7, 2014 12:32:45 AM UTC-5, Dirk Heinrichs wrote:
>  Am 06.04.2014 01:27, schrieb Swit Zerland:
>  I am writing a site.pp to automate some tasks performed on a Windows VM 
> puppet agent and I would like to know how to remove recursively a directory.
> Either use an exec, which includes an "onlyif" attribute to remove the 
> tree with an OS command, or one file resource (with "ensure => absent") for 
> each directory in the tree. The latter needs more wotk to set up, but has 
> the advantage of being OS independent.
> Finally, you could write a new "dirtree" module which provides a new 
> resource for managing directory trees and make it available on Github ;)
Or use a Tidy resource to recursively clean out the directory, and an 
ordinary File resource with ensure => 'absent' to remove the directory.  Or 
maybe it would work to use just one File resource with ensure => 'absent', 
recurse => 'true'.


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