On Monday, March 10, 2014 9:47:22 AM UTC-4, jcbollinger wrote:
> On Friday, March 7, 2014 8:57:58 AM UTC-6, Mark deJong wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We're currently using version 3.4.3, and the documentation on 
>> metaparameters states "any defined metaparameter can be used with any 
>> instance in your manifest, *including defined components.*" Unless I'm 
>> missing something, this statement does not hold true to the schedule 
>> parameter which gets passed into the defines as variables.
> What makes you say that?  Do you have a manifest that seems to contradict 
> that statement, and 
> http://docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/lang_defined_types.html#metaparameters?
>  I'm having the issue with the passwd::user accepting the schedule 
metaparameter. I have tried it both with and without define the variable 

class passwd (
  $module_path        = $passwd::params::module_path,
  $path               = $passwd::params::path,
  $alg                = $passwd::params::alg,
  $length             = $passwd::params::length,
  $plugin             = $passwd::params::plugin,
  $enotify            = $passwd::params::enotify,
  $esubject           = $passwd::params::esubject,
  $schedule           = $passwd::params::schedule,
  $managehome         = $passwd::params::managehome,
  $homeowner_override = $passwd::params::homeowner_override,
  $homeowner          = $passwd::params::homeowner,
  $homegroup          = $passwd::params::homegroup,
  $users       = [],
) inherits passwd::params {
  include passwd::virtual


  anchor {'passwd::begin': } ->
  class {'passwd::install': } ->
  class {'passwd::schedule': } ->
  class {'passwd::provision': } ->
  anchor {'passwd::end': }

define passwd::user (
  $home               = "${passwd::home_root}/${name}",
  $managehome         = $passwd::managehome,
  $homeowner_override = $passwd::homeowner_override,
  $homeowner          = $passwd::homeowner,
  $homegroup          = $passwd::homegroup,
  $path               = $passwd::path,
  $length             = $passwd::length,
  $ensure             = $passwd::ensure,
  $plugin             = $passwd::plugin,
  $enotify            = $passwd::enotify,
  $esubject           = $passwd::esubject,
  $schedule           = undef
  if ($password == 'G' and $ensure == 'present') {
    $pclear = generate('/bin/sh','-c',"/bin/cat  /dev/urandom | /usr/bin/tr 
-dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | /usr/bin/fold -w ${length} | /usr/bin/head -n 1| tr -d 
    $pcrypt = generate('/usr/bin/openssl','passwd','-1',"'${pclear}'")
    $rpassword = chomp("${pcrypt}")
    notify {"${rpassword}":}
    if ! empty($enotify) {
      passwd::notify { $name:
        enotify  => $enotify,
        username  => $name,
        password => $pclear
  else {
    $rpassword = $password
  Augeas {
    load_path => "${passwd::params::module_path}/auglenses",
    lens   => "PluginPasswd.lns",
    incl    => "${path}",
  case $ensure {
    present: {
      augeas { "pw_pl_mod_${name}":
        changes => [
          "set ${name}/password '${rpassword}'",
          "set ${name}/uid '${uid}'",
          "set ${name}/gid '${gid}'",
          "set ${name}/name '${comment}'",
          "set ${name}/home '${home}'",
          "set ${name}/shell '${shell}'",
schedule => $schedule
      if $managehome {
        file { $home:
          ensure  => directory,
          owner   => homeowner_override ? {
            true    => $homeowner,
            default => $uid
          group   => homeowner_override ? {
            true    => $homeowner,
            default => $gid
          seltype  => user_home_dir_t,
          require => File[$passwd::home_root]
    absent: {
      augeas { "pw_pl_mod_${name}":
        changes => [
          "rm ${name}"

class passwd::schedule (

) inherits passwd {
  schedule { 'passwd_generate_monthly':
    period => monthly,
    range  => "2 - 4",
    repeat => 1

When I call passwd::user as either a resource or virtual resource, schedule 
is only honored by puppets built in functions within my define, but not  by 

class passwd::virtual(
) inherits passwd {

  passwd::user{ 'johnjackson':
    password => "supersecretpassword",
    uid      => 121,
    gid      => 121,
    comment  => "User Comment",
    shell    => "/bin/false",
    schedule => 'passwd_generate_monthly'

  @passwd::user{ 'jimbeam':
    password => "G",
    uid      => 121,
    gid      => 121,
    comment  => "User Comment",
    shell    => "/bin/false",
    schedule => 'passwd_generate_monthly',


>> Is there anyway to change its behavior to apply the schedule to our 
>> custom defines as a whole, and not have to pass that parameter to every 
>> resource within?
> As I read the docs, you shouldn't need to do anything special to achieve 
> that.  Suppose you present the manifest(s) that is causing you trouble, and 
> maybe we can shed some more light on the problem.
> John

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