On Thursday, March 6, 2014 12:17:00 PM UTC-6, bluethundr wrote:
> Hey all,
>  I have a module that I've written called 'lumberjack'. It installs the 
> logstash forwarding agent called 'lumberjack' and gets the service running. 
> However it depends on ca certificate which I include in another class 
> (called simply 'ca').
> Yet if I try to include a resource from the 'ca' class I get the following 
> failure: 
> err: Failed to apply catalog: Could not find dependency 
> File[/etc/pki/CA/certs/ca.crt] for Service[lumberjack] at 
> /etc/puppet/environments/production/modules/lumberjack/manifests/service.pp:8

Puppet disagrees with you.  It is telling you that no File resource of that 
name has been declared anywhere among all the declarations contributing to 
the target node's catalog.  Check your spelling.  Check also that you're 
getting the right 'ca' class -- it would be best to use its fully-qualified 

> I really did think that if I included a class into another one like so:
> class lumberjack::service {
>   include ca
>   service { lumberjack:
>      ensure => running,
>      require => File["/etc/pki/CA/certs/ca.crt"],
>   }
> }
> I'd be able to refer to the resource from the other class. I think we had 
> a debate about the rightness or wrongness of including material from other 
> classes in our resources. So I'm just wondering what the best way of going 
> about what I'm trying to achieve might be.

Be very careful: your wording suggests a misunderstanding of the meaning of 
an 'include' statement.  In Puppet, an 'include' does not perform textual 
interpolation ala the 'include' and similar statements of various 
programming languages and preprocessors.  It does not include another class 
in the one where the statement appears; rather, it includes the specified 
class in the target node's catalog.  That is one form of "declaring" the 
specified class.

Having declared the class, however, you can be confident that all resources 
declared directly or indirectly by it will be in the catalog and therefore 
(among other things) available as relationship targets.  That's why I say 
Puppet disagrees with you about the File being declared by class 'ca' (as 
that class name is resolved relative to 'lumberjack::service').


> The goal here will be to install the lumberjack log shipping agent and get 
> the service running in one fell swoop. If I remove the cert requirement 
> (require => File["/etc/pki/CA/certs/ca.crt"],)  the puppet run will error 
> out initially when it tries to run the service and can't find the ca.crt 
> file. The second run will generally be ok.

That is indeed the hallmark of a resource ordering problem, for which 
declaring one or more appropriate relationships is the appropriate 
solution.  There is some debate in the community over whether it is ever a 
practice* to declare relationships with resource declared by other 
classes.  The prevailing opinion here seems to be "no", but I personally 
have a more nuanced view.  There wouldn't even be a debate, however, if it 
didn't work.

If you subscribe to the view that classes should not declare relationships 
directly with resources declared by other classes, then alternative is, 
roughly, to target the relationship on the declaring class.  That is more 
or less what Garrett is suggesting, but do pay attention to my response to 
his comments (much of which is reflected also above).


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