On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 9:48 AM, kevin McCartney <mccartney...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We have a few different offices. I am looking to setup a puppet master in
> each location. I would like them to all have the same node definitions so
> that all offices are working off the same recipes. Is it possible if we have
> an nfs share that is accessable to all puppet masters that the .pp files
> could live on there and all masters could reference the same files? If that
> is an issue I am thinking of having a centralized location where all .pp are
> edited and then rsynced to all master puppet nodes and saved locally. Any
> ideas?

Kevin, I believe your best bet is to use a version control tool, like
Git, to achieve this. This provides not only the ability to deploy
identical configuration to all hosts, but also provides an ability to
roll back changes that are problematic with ease and in the future the
option of having branches for different environments.

There is a good blog post on it here:


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