
I have the following class for installing check_mk on windows machines:

class windows_check_mk {

  require windows_common

   package{ 'Check_MKAgent 1.2.4':
    ensure          => installed,
    source          => 'c:\\<my folder>\\installers\\check-mk-agent.exe',
    install_options => ['/S', '/D=C:\<myfolder>\check_mk'],


The windows_common take cares of creating the folder c:\<my folder>\ and 
fetching several subfolders there - including subfolder installers.

This class successfully installs check_mk agent inside  
C:\<myfolder>\check_mk but none of the files inside can be exec by any 
user, if I change install_options to 

['/S', '/D=C:\\check_mk'],

this does not happen and all exes can be executed.

Why does this happens? Is there a way to workaround it?

I am using puppet 3.4.3 either on master and on the clients.

Thank you.

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