I have a bunch of windows servers with NewRelic installed on them and I 
want to start managing those installs with Puppet.  Seemed like the thing 
to do would be to have chocolatey uninstall what is there and reinstall 
within the framework of chocolatey so that I get addressable version 
information and the like.  I created the following chocolatey package and 
it works fine when run from the command line using cinst: any existing 
version is removed and the new version, managed by chocolatey, gets put in 
its place.  However, when I run it from Puppet, it does the uninstall ok, 
but the install never happens, even though chocolatey seems to think that 
the package is installed.  

stop-service "LiveVault Backup Service"
$app = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object { 
    $_.Name -match "New Relic Server Monitor" 

$licensekey = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

$packageName = 'NewRelic_ServerMonitor'
$installerType = 'MSI' 
$url = 
$url64 = 
$validExitCodes = @(0) 
$silentArgs = "/L*v install_Agent.log /qn NR_LICENSE_KEY=`"$licensekey`"" 
Install-ChocolateyPackage "$packageName" "$installerType" "$silentArgs" 
"$url" "$url64"  -validExitCodes $validExitCodes

start-service "LiveVault Backup Service"
Start-service "New Relic Server Monitor"

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