On 2/9/2014 4:47 AM, JuanBrein wrote:

I've been using puppet on different companies and implementing the roles
/ profile pattern on some of them.

In theory the patter works very well but in practice I usually face
challenges that I sort out implementing my own designs / solutions. I
would like to know how you guys deal with that in case you do.

**Say you have a typical LAMP stack and you have to deploy a web app so
my classes would look something like this (super simplified version):


class apache { //puppetlabs class }
class mysql { //puppetlabs class }


class profile::webapp {

   class 'apache'
   class 'mysql'

   $name = hiera('webapp::name')
   apache::vhost {$webapp::name:}



class role::prod_web {
   include 'base'
   include 'profile::webapp'

Now some of the questions I face:

1- Say thate for whatever reason the profile::webap requires a specific
package... ie php-apc that is not covered by the apache module. The
roles / profile states that you should always reference modules. Would
you guys create a new class just to include a resource? What I usually
end up doing is to add that package into the profile for the sake of

2- Sometimes modules from puppetlabs or other contributors lacks of some
functionality. Say for example you need to deploy a file under
/etc/sysconfig. I wouldn't place that file under the profile class as
that is used for multiple profiles definitions. However creating a new
module for just a single file seams like too much of an overhead. What I
usually do is I split up the profile module into multiple profile
modules and use the repo -> install -> config -> service pattern. That
allows me to create a file / template where to place my specific
resources for that profile and still consume data from hiera to
customize the behaviour.

3- The problem with point 2 is that you might end up with too many
profile classes and some of them might include a simple reference to a
module. That is not much of a problem to me as I prefer to have my files
attached to the right profile module rather than having multiple files
on a single profile module... or multiple modules with just a couple of

Juan Breinlinger

1. profiles::php with create_resources around a Package resource that pulls in php-apc, php-mcrypt, php-gd, and all the other usual suspects based on Hiera data. When was the last time anyone needed just one PHP module? Also not a terrible place to set apc.ini and other config files.

2. profile::myrole and yeah I add the resource directly particularly if it'll never ever conflict with another module. Also a good place to pull in very simple modules. I'm not a fan of breaking things up into more specific subclasses within a profile::class.

3. See #2

I recently took a crack at writing some examples of profile uses as well as philosophizing on good profile classes. Probably needs another hour of editing, but might be helpful in its current state. https://ask.puppetlabs.com/question/5235/what-goes-in-the-profile-part-of-roleprofile/


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