puppet is telling you that it is trying to interpret the backslash-hash (\#) sequence in the string, but has not found a useful interpretation. I guess that you'd like to ACTUALLY have a backslash and a has in the string, in which case you'll need to put backslash-backslash-hash (\\#) in there as long as you're using double quotes (").

Read more about this in the Language Reference:


Regards, David

On 04.02.2014 17:15, Andreas Dvorak wrote:
Dear all,

I have several exec resources that work fine, but the puppet master
throws a syslog message

"Unrecognised escape sequence \# in file
at line 14"

14: exec{ "/bin/sed '\#^/home#d' /etc/auto_master > /tmp/sed.tmp.$$ &&
mv /tmp/sed.tmp.$$ /etc/auto_master":
15:        onlyif => "/bin/grep '^/home' /etc/auto_master"
16:      }

I do not want to filter that mesage, but how can tell puppet this is
fine or do I need to change the exec resource.


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