
I have made changes in auth.conf and fileserver.conf for plugins, still it 
is not working


path /plugins
allow *

  allow *

*puppet.conf *on master 

pluginsync = true

*Error on client :*

Debug: file_metadata supports formats: pson msgpack b64_zlib_yaml yaml raw
*Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Failed to generate additional resources 
using 'eval_generate': Error 403 on SERVER: Forbidden request: 
client2.puppet.com( access to /file_metadata/plugins [search] 
authenticated  at :131*
Debug: file_metadata supports formats: pson msgpack b64_zlib_yaml yaml raw
*Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Could not evaluate: Error 403 on 
SERVER: Forbidden request: client2.puppet.com( access to 
/file_metadata/plugins [find] authenticated  at :131 Could not retrieve 
file metadata for puppet://server.puppet.com/plugins: Error 403 on SERVER: 
Forbidden request: client2.puppet.com( access to 
/file_metadata/plugins [find] authenticated  at :131*

What can be the issue, i was able to resolve 400 error by placing 
pluginsync = true in master server.

I also changed config.ru as referred in 
https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/4367, but i still wasn't able to 
resolve forbidden error.

Please guide where I might be doing mistake.


On Monday, 3 February 2014 15:08:08 UTC+5:30, jyotir bhandari wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to transfer shell file via fileserver in pupper, but i am 
> continuously getting the mentioned error.
> *fileserver.conf*
> [files]
>    path /etc/puppet/files
>    allow *
> *auth.conf*
> path ~ ^/file_(metadata|content)/files/
> auth yes
> allow /^(.+\.)?puppet.com$/
> allow_ip
> *init.pp*class accounts {
>    @accounts::system { 'demo':
>        comment      => 'demo users',
>       }
> file { '/etc/puppet/templates/shadow.sh':
>     ensure => file,
>     recurse => true,
>     mode => "0777",
>     source => "puppet:///files/shadow.sh",
>      } 
> exec { "demo": 
>           command => 'echo "demo:redhat@123" | chpasswd', 
>           provider => 'shell',
>           require => File['/etc/puppet/templates/shadow.sh'],
>      }
> }
> *Error on Client :*Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Failed to generate 
> additional resources using 'eval_generate': Error 403 on SERVER: Forbidden 
> request: client2.puppet.com( access to 
> /file_metadata/plugins [search] authenticated  at :128
> Debug: file_metadata supports formats: pson msgpack b64_zlib_yaml yaml raw
> Error: /File[/var/lib/puppet/lib]: Could not evaluate: Error 403 on 
> SERVER: Forbidden request: client2.puppet.com( access to 
> /file_metadata/plugins [find] authenticated  at :128 Could not retrieve 
> file metadata for puppet://server.puppet.com/plugins: Error 403 on 
> SERVER: Forbidden request: client2.puppet.com( access to 
> /file_metadata/plugins [find] authenticated  at :128
> Error: /Stage[main]/Accounts/File[/etc/puppet/templates/shadow.sh]: Failed 
> to generate additional resources using 'eval_generate': Error 400 on 
> SERVER: Not authorized to call search on /file_metadata/files/shadow.sh 
> with {:links=>"manage", :recurse=>true, :checksum_type=>"md5"}
> Debug: file_metadata supports formats: pson msgpack b64_zlib_yaml yaml raw
> Error: /Stage[main]/Accounts/File[/etc/puppet/templates/shadow.sh]: Could 
> not evaluate: Error 400 on SERVER: Not authorized to call find on 
> /file_metadata/files/shadow.sh with {:links=>"manage"} Could not retrieve 
> file metadata for puppet:///files/shadow.sh: Error 400 on SERVER: Not 
> authorized to call find on /file_metadata/files/shadow.sh with 
> {:links=>"manage"}
> Jyotir

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