On Thursday, January 30, 2014 10:22:59 AM UTC-6, pskov...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install Apache with a default set of config files. I have 
> the following class:
> class base_apache {
>     case $operatingsystem {
>         windows: {
>             file { 'apache_installer_package':
>                 path            => 'D:/Downloads/Puppet/',
>                 ensure          => directory,
>                 source          => 'puppet:///files/Apache-Installers/',
>                 recurse         => true,
>                 purge           => false,
>                 source_permissions => ignore,
>                 replace         => no,
>                 before          => Package['Apache HTTP Server 2.2.25']
>             }
>             package { 'Apache HTTP Server 2.2.25':
>                 ensure          => installed,
>                 source          => 
> 'D:\\Downloads\\Puppet\\httpd-2.2.25-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8y.msi',
>                 install_options => {'INSTALLDIR' => 
> 'D:\Apache2.2','SERVICENAME' => 'Apache.2.2','ALLUSERS' => 1},
>                 before          => File['default_apache_config']
>             }
>             file { 'default_apache_config':
>                 path            => "D:/Apache2.2/conf",
>                 ensure          => directory,
>                 source          => 'puppet:///files/Apache2.2/conf',
>                 recurse         => true,
>                 purge           => true,
>                 source_permissions => ignore,
>                 replace         => yes,
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> As you can see, I am installing Apache using MSI package and then copying 
> over the default set of configs. This works, however.... If I make a 
> modification to the config files, Puppet will notice that it has changed 
> and overwrite it on the next run. 
> What I want it to do if copy the files ONLY IF the "package" directive had 
> to install Apache. If it already existed on the server and it didn't do 
> anything, don't do the File['default_apache_config'] bit... I could set 
> replace => no but then it wouldn't work on the first one run either as the 
> installer creates its own default set of configs.
> Is this possible or do I have to be a bit cleverer than that?

Puppet manifests do not model processes, they model target state.  
Generally speaking, therefore, you cannot easily tell Puppet to perform 
some action only if it has done / plans to do some other action -- actions 
are not a subject that can even be expressed in the DSL.

Puppet does have the concept of 'refreshing' a resource when another has 
been modified in the same run, but only in the case of Execs is that paired 
with the possibility of not managing the resource under other circumstances.

You could consider building a custom Apache installer package that has your 
desired starting configs already baked in.  Or perhaps you could put the 
alternative configs in their own installer, and manage them as a Package.


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