Hello Alex,

On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 12:01 PM, <pskovshu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to install Apache silently on Windows servers using Puppet.
> Here's my class:
> class base_apache {
>         case $operatingsystem {
>                 windows: {
>                         file { 'apache_installer_package':
>                                 path            => 'D:/Downloads/Puppet/',
>                                 ensure          => directory,
>                                 source          =>
> 'puppet:///files/Apache-Installers/',
>                                 recurse         => true,
>                                 purge           => false,
>                                 source_permissions => ignore,
>                                 replace         => no,
>                                 before          => Package['apache 2.2.25']
>                         }
>                         package { 'apache 2.2.25':
>                                 ensure          => installed,
>                                 source          =>
> 'D:\\Downloads\\Puppet\\httpd-2.2.25-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8y.msi',
>                                 install_options => {'INSTALLDIR' =>
> 'D:\Apache2.2'},
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
> }
> It works, in that it installs it. However, it doesn't create Apache
> service and it doesn't seem to know if Apache is already installed as it
> seems to "create" it on every agent run:
> C:\>puppet agent -t
> Info: Retrieving plugin
> Info: Caching catalog for localhost
> Info: Applying configuration version '1390499627'
> Notice: /Stage[main]/Base_apache/Package[apache 2.2.25]/ensure: created
> Notice: Finished catalog run in 6.17 seconds
> Any ideas?

What version of puppet? Second, have you looked over

Specifically this:

The title (or name) of the package must match the value of the package's
DisplayName property in the registry, which is also the value displayed in
the "Add/Remove Programs" or "Programs and Features" control panel. If the
provided name and installed name don't match, Puppet will believe the
package is not installed and try to install it again.

> Thanks
> Alex
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Rob Reynolds
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