On 01/14/2014 05:12 PM, Justin Lambert wrote:
> I’m attempting to create a bunch of symlinks based on an array of filenames 
> but I can’t figure out how to use the title of the resource within the 
> resource itself.
> class app::config {
>   file { [ 'a.conf', 'b.conf' ]:
>     ensure => 'link',
>     path   => "/etc/app/${name}",
>     target => "/usr/app/${name}
>   }
> }
> $name and $title both equal app::config in this example.  Is what I’m trying 
> to do possible?
> I’m running puppet 3.4.0.
> Thanks,
> Justin

It is, but you have to use a define (or at least how I'm doing it uses a
define), here's an example based on something thing I'm doing:

class my_module::common () {

my_module::common::my_symlinks { ['file1', 'file2', 'file3']: }


define my_module::common::my_symlinks: {
    file { "symlink_${name}":
      ensure  => link,
      path    => "/some/path/${name}",
      target  => "/some/other/path/${name}",

I wasn't the first to figure that out, I think I remember who I got it
from, but I'm not sure if it's something they came up with or if they
got it from somewhere else.  Hope that helps.

Joseph Swick <joseph.sw...@meltwater.com>
Operations Engineer
Meltwater Group

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