On 14/01/14 03:49, Andrey Kozichev wrote:

This scenario works well if on the class input I just supply single
mountpoint -> then I do hiera("mountpointname") and create_resources()
But if I want to have multiple Mountpoints defined per host I need to
supply an Array to the class and then iterate it and fetch details for
each mountpoint. I can probably do this by using new 3.2 syntax with
"each", but I would like to avoid this.

Do you have any better way to implement this?

If in hiera you define a hash of hashes (instead of an array of hashes)
you can pass that to create_resources which will create a resource for
each hash.

     i.morti...@uq.edu.au     Ian Mortimer
     Tel: +61 7 3346 8528     Science IT
                              University of Queensland

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