This is a bash script I use on Red Hat 5 systems. ------------------------------------ #!/bin/bash # Looking for "!!" in the second field of the user's shadow information # This says that the password has never been set
rc=`/bin/grep $1 /etc/shadow | awk -F":" '($2 == "!!")' | wc -l` if [ $rc -eq 0 ] then exit 1 else exit 0 fi ------------------------------------ In my manifest, is this resource: ------------------------------------ exec { "${username}-password": path => ['/bin','/usr/bin'], command => "mkpasswd -l 30 -C 5 -d 5 -s 5 ${username}", require => User[$username], onlyif => "/etc/puppet/scripts/checkShadow.bash ${username}", } ---------------------------------------------- "mkpasswd" is a nice little utility in the "expect" package. Hope this halps “Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.” (Bill Waterson: Calvin & Hobbes) On Jan 13, 2014, at 12:35 PM, house_mann <> wrote:
HI their, i'm very new to puppet and can't find an solutions to get this up and running... User creation works well. But when the user "devop" (or all others) change his password, it will overwrite after next 'puppet-run' to the hardcoded-one. Correctly, because there is no setup/config to prevent this, when users exists on the node. Is there a simple setup for this case? Only set password for non-existing users!? Thanks. ako
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