One more thing to mention is that if I change the hierarchy from being a 
directory as mentioned above to just a file like so:

    - "%{::environment}_%{::osfamily}_%{::lsbdistcodename}"

both puppet apply and puppet agent are able to find the variable.

However if I prepend the "domain" fact like this:

- "%{::domain}_%{::environment}_%{::osfamily}_%{::lsbdistcodename}"

even though it's just a single file again, puppet apply works, but puppet 
agent -tv again is not able to find the variable.

This does not make any sense to me and I am starting to wonder if this is a 

On Tuesday, January 7, 2014 11:39:14 AM UTC-6, kai wrote:
> What version of Puppet are you running?
>> *3.4.1 for both master and agent*
>> As what user is the master running?  (Typically an unprivileged user 
>> named 'puppet'.)
>> *The master is running as user puppet*
>> As what user are you running the agent in your tests?
>> *I am running the agent and the apply commands on the master as the root 
>> user*
>> As what user are you running "puppet apply" in your tests?
>> *root*
>> What are the ownership and permissions of /etc/puppet/data/
>> and all the directories in 
>> the path to it?  Do any of those have extended ACLs set on them?
>> *The permissions of the directory and the yaml file are root:root. No 
>> ALC's. I chown-ed then to puppet:puppet with the same result.*
>> Are you running SELinux in enforcing mode?  If so, then do you see 
>> relevant AVC messages in the system log?
>> *This is a Debian Wheezy, so no selinux or apparmor on it.*
>> The bellow works fine with this:  
> $ puppet apply --debug --environment=production -e '$test = 
> hiera('ssh_service_config') notify { $::test: }'
> Debug: hiera(): Hiera YAML backend starting
> Debug: hiera(): Looking up ssh_service_config in YAML backend
> Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source defaults
> Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source
> Debug: hiera(): Cannot find datafile 
> /etc/puppet/data/, skipping
> Debug: hiera(): Looking for data source production/Debian/wheezy
> *Debug: hiera(): Found ssh_service_config in production/Debian/wheezy*
> but not with 
> $ pupept agent -tv
> *Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on 
> SERVER: Could not find data item ssh_package_name in any Hiera data file 
> and no default supplied at 
> /srv/puppet/environments/production/modules/ssh/manifests/install.pp:2 on 
> node <>*
> :hierarchy:
>   - "%{::environment}/%{::osfamily}/%{::lsbdistcodename}"     <--- This 
> works with  puppet apply, but not puppet agent -tv 
> This is really strange, any help will be greatly appreciated. (Appending 
> the domain fact produces the same result)

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