Our site has several dozen yum repositories. Pushing all yum repositories to 
all servers isn't practical; it hurts performance, some repositories are 
OS-specific, and some repositories cause conflicts with each other (we have a 
ruby187 repo and a ruby 193 repo, for example).

In our current setup, we have one module with all our yumrepos defined 

        class yumrepos {

And our various modules realize those resources as needed:

        class puppet(...) {
          realize Yumrepo['puppet']

However, this requires every package definition to require the Yumrepo 
resource. I can ease the pain with resource defaults, but it doesn't go away 
completely. I have found on puppet 2.7 that virtual resources are evaluated in 
the run stage they are defined in, not the run stage they are realized in, so 
that I can do in site.pp:

        stage{'package-setup': before => Stage['main'] }
        class{'yumrepos': stage => 'package-setup' }

Then all yum repositories that a node will use are on the machine before any 
packages are installed. Is this a kosher use of run stages? Am I going to be 
surprised by something I didn't consider? I have only tested this behavior in 
Puppet 2.7 and don't know if it is subject to change in later releases. How do 
others handle this problem?


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