Le 20 déc. 2013 à 19:55, Charlie Sharpsteen <ch...@puppetlabs.com> a écrit :

> On Friday, December 20, 2013 10:30:14 AM UTC-8, Fabrice Bacchella wrote:
> Puppet 3.4 is out and broke an very usefull undocument feature. 
> Previsiously, one can write : 
>     package {'bla': 
>         ensure => present, 
>         name => ['pkg1', 'pkg2'] 
>     } 
> and it will install pkg1 and pkg2. 
> It now says : 
>  Parameter name failed on Package['blab']: Name must be a String not Array at 
> /etc/puppet/modules/... 
> I know this was undocument, considered as a bad practice. But I used it 
> intensively because it provides a quick solution to 3 problems : 
> - a small performance gain, it reduce the number of call to your package 
> manage (at least in redhat) because it executes 'yum ... pkg1 pkg2' once 
> - easier to read dependency, 'bla' was a symbolic name for a dependency set, 
> and I could easily wrote : 
>  require => Package['bla'] 
>  what ever the real packages list it was. 
> - a easer solution to multiple dependencies for the same package, as I could 
> write : 
> in openssh module : 
> package {'openssh': 
>         name => ['openssl', ...] 
> } 
> package {'https': 
>         name => ['openssl', ...] 
> } 
> without any complication to solve it. Yum would just be called twice for the 
> same package. 
> quick clean, very readable. I loved this feature^Wbug. 
> I don't really hope to get this back, but can some on help on clean and quick 
> alternative solution for the same feature set ? 
> The recommended workaround is to pass an array of resource titles:
> package {['pkg1', 'pkg2']:
>   ensure => present, 
> }
> This won’t achieve the exact same effect, i.e. there will be multiple calls 
> to yum, but it is pretty close for most use cases.

That's an understatement. I already knew this syntaxic sugar but it's nothing 
more that an short hand for

package {'pkg1':
package {'pkg2':

So it provides none of the describe features I will miss badly
> Hope this helps!

Not really but thanks for the time.

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