Yes, exactly, but this begs the question: Am I out of date for adding

        confine :operatingsystem => %w{Debian SLES OpenSUSE CentOS}

outside the setcode block?


On 12/18/2013 04:34 PM, Jeff Bachtel wrote:
> Facts are autoloaded from all modules and distributed to all agents,
> because that step occurs before the DSL is parsed for manifests (as it
> should be, because the DSL can be (is) impacted by facts).
> It is up to the custom fact to case itself out of execution for certain
> operating systems. For instance, from the postgresql pupmod comes this
> snippet from the customer fact about default versions:
> Facter.add("postgres_default_version") do
>   setcode do
>     result =
>       case Facter.value('osfamily')
>         when 'RedHat'
>           get_redhatfamily_postgres_version()
>         when 'Linux'
>           get_redhatfamily_postgres_version()
>         when 'Debian'
>           get_debianfamily_postgres_version()
>         else
>           nil
>       end
> Jeff

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