On 2013-17-12 17:23, Igor Berger wrote:

I'm using the following expression to format a list:

$valid_environments = ['env1', 'env2', 'env3']
         $env_message = $valid_environments.reduce |$message, $env| {
"${message}, ${env}" }

It works at run-time (Puppet 3.2.4 standalone with "--parser=future").

However in Eclipse (v4.3.1), Geppetto (v4.0) shows these errors:

         Reference to not yet initialized variable: env'
         Reference to not yet initialized variable: message'

The workspace Puppet target version is set to "future".

Is there another syntax I could use to make Geppetto happy or is this a bug?

That looks like a bug. Please report it here:


The errors are for the case when there are parameters to a class or define and the default value expression references one of the other variables - i.e. something like this

define foo($a = $b, $b = 3) { }

So, something is amiss with the validation for a lambda. I assume you have turned on the "future" under Puppet Target.


- henrik

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