I've gone through and migrated most of the issues I was watching (and still care about) that weren't already.

I ran into 4 issues that show up with a message of:

"This issue is currently not available for export. If you are experiencing the issue described below, please file a new ticket in JIRA. Once a new ticket has been created, please add a link to it that points back to this Redmine ticket."

Should I do so, or is there a better way of handling this?

The issues in question are 4240, 13602, 17439 and 22902.

j antman

On 12/10/2013 01:51 PM, Eric Sorenson wrote:
Hi, as I mailed about a little while ago[1], we're migrating issue tracking for Puppet Labs projects from Redmine to JIRA.

After working through the tooling and integration concerns, we're going to make the switch on 16th of December.

More info on how this will work:

* Everybody needs to create a new account on JIRA, since we can’t migrate passwords from redmine to jira. * If you were watching redmine bugs to track their progress, you will be notified via email with the new location of the bug in JIRA. You'll need to set yourself up to watch the bug in JIRA with your newly-created account. * Some older issues that we think are obsolete will not be migrated, but if we made a mistake and forgot to include your favorite bug, there will be a link on each Redmine issue where you can migrate it with a single click. * The Redmine instance will remain up and read-only, because there's a ton of back history, outgoing links, google indexing, etc that is quite valuable to keep. * Projects that use github issues will also migrate, but pull request workflow remains as-is.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

[1] https://groups.google.com/d/topic/puppet-users/4lV1cT6Li-M/discussion

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