On Thursday, December 12, 2013 7:33:26 AM UTC+9, Paul Archer wrote:
> *# this is a typical facter output for filesystems*
> root@puppetmaster:/etc/puppet/hieradata# facter filesystems
> ext4,iso9660
> *# my hiera.yaml, to show the first entry in my hierarchy is for the 
> filesystems fact*
> root@puppetmaster:/etc/puppet/hieradata# cat /etc/hiera.yaml
> ---
> :backends:
>   - yaml
> :hierarchy:
>     - "%{filesystems}"
>     - global
>     - "nodes/%{clientcert}"
>     - "groups/%{server_groups}"
>     - "environment_%{environment}"
>     - "os/%{osfamily}"
>     - "os/%{osfamily}/%{operatingsystemmajrelease}"
>     - "virtual_%{::virtual}"
>     - defaults
>     - credentials
> :yaml:
>   :datadir: /etc/puppet/hieradata
> *# my yaml file has a an entry for motd::banner (my 'play with' data)*
> root@puppetmaster:/etc/puppet/hieradata# cat 
> /etc/puppet/hieradata/ext4.yaml 
> ---
> motd::banner: this is for the ext4 filesystem
> *# without any facts, I get the default*
> root@puppetmaster:/etc/puppet/hieradata# hiera motd::banner
> Hi there! This system is managed by puppet. (defaults.yaml)
> *# with the filesystem fact set to ext4, I get the right value*
> root@puppetmaster:/etc/puppet/hieradata# hiera motd::banner 
> filesystems=ext4
> this is for the ext4 filesystem
> *# with the filesystem fact set to exactly what I get from facter, I'm 
> back to the default*
> root@puppetmaster:/etc/puppet/hieradata# hiera motd::banner 
> filesystems=ext4,iso9660
> Hi there! This system is managed by puppet. (defaults.yaml)
> Is it possible to use a fact that contains multiple values within hiera? 
> If so, what am I missing? If not, what's the point of having facts with 
> multiple values in the first place?

Facter was designed before hiera. It serves a larger purpose than just 
usage as hiera hierarchy conditionals.

Do I understand correctly that your custom fact which "spits out a list of 
server types" returns more than 1 item in a comma separated list like the 
filesystems example you provided?

Looking at the nature of this custom fact would it not be better if it 
provided a single 'server type'? If this is impossible, you could split the 
fact into X facts and (servertype1,servertype2 and servertype3) which could 
then be used nicely in hiera.

If your custom fact is outputting a highly variable string (that looks like 
multiple values due to a comma), then it's not really suitable to use in 
hiera.yaml I believe.

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