A couple of days ago we released puppetlabs/apache 0.10.0, and as busy as
all involved people were we were to accomplish the release they are now
busy to  do other amazing things.


Among the endless (22) features that we've added in this release two big
accomplishments shine, making this an important milestone:

    added FreeBSD as a supported Platform (Special Thanks to ptomulik)
    made sure that a great number of tests are /actually/ executed (Special
Thanks to Aethylred)

The latter really guarantees that this release and the ones coming will be
truely backwards compatible.

Check out the CHANGELOG for all the changes in this release.


Moving forward

tampakrap is working on OpenSuse/SLES and Gentoo osfamily support.

The module team is working hard on a new systems test framework: [Beaker](
https://github.com/puppetlabs/beaker) that will expand upon our
rspec-system tests allowing use to support multinode tests, as well as the
ability to test platforms that are usually out of reach for normal
developers (AIX…).

For the bigger changes we need to make some hard decisions. We know that
we need to get started on support for httpd 2.4 as more distributions are
finally picking it up. But we don't know yet how to get there exactly.

We thus want to ask you to participate in discussions on the issue tracker:


As we approach a 1.0 release we want to know what features we need to
and what breakage you as the user are willing to take. Please send us
if you have use cases for the puppetlabs/apache module that we are not
aware of:

   - <your most treasured feature here>

   - Proxy

   - SSL termination

   - Apache HTTPd as Application Container

   - puppetlabs/apache "consumed" by other modules

igalic and blkperl

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