In this case, you’ve got 2 issues.

1, most of that data would, ideally, be in Hiera.   But, with a defined type, 
you can’t use the parameterized classes lookup. 

2. That case statement means that the catalog for the system with “client" 
doesn’t even know anything about the “access" resources.

I’d suggest in this case:  (but I’m not loving the code design, to be honest. 
Look under the example for more.

$vpn_server = ‘winterthur'

        case $::role {
                'access': {
                         openvpn::server {“$vpn_server" :
                        country      => 'CH',
                        province     => 'ZH',
                        city         => 'Winterthur',
                        organization => '',
                        email        => '',
                        server       => ''}

                'client': {
                        notify {"Applying client config" :}
                        openvpn::client { 'client1':
                                server => “$vpn_server"


This screams for a better separation, to me.   Unless you only have 1 set of 
servers & clients…   
— Maybe use a class, with the parameters pulling in the details from hiera, and 
using the variable parameters in the code.    
— they would include city,province, server_ip, email, country.

Matthew Barr
c: (646) 727-0535

On Dec 9, 2013, at 5:32 PM, Derek Cole <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am not exactly sure how to phrase this, but consider the following:
>         case $::role {
>                 'access': {
>                         notify {"Applying access packages" :}
>                         include access_packages
>                         freebsd::rc_conf { 'test' :
>                                 value  => 'yes',
>                                 ensure => 'present'
>                         }
>                          openvpn::server {'winterthur' :
>                         country      => 'CH',
>                         province     => 'ZH',
>                         city         => 'Winterthur',
>                         organization => '',
>                         email        => '',
>                         server       => ''}
>                 }
>                 'client': {
>                         notify {"Applying client config" :}
>                         openvpn::client { 'client1':
>                                 server => "winterthur"
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
> What I am trying to do in 'client' case is reference the server that was 
> defined in the 'access' case. Is this possible? The openvpn module here; 
> contains some examples and such that lead me to believe there should be a 
> reference, but it seems like that only is applicable if they have the same 
> scope. How would I go about storing off the 'winterthur' openvpn::server for 
> use by the clients later? Puppet's class variable access and scoping in 
> general are a little confusing to me at this point. I tried the obvious 
> assigning a $variable but that didn't work either. Also, looking at the 
> openvpn code, it seems like openvpn::server is "define"d instead of using the 
> class keyword. does this make a difference?
> Thanks
> -- 
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